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Blog. Welcomes Commercial Dealers

Whereas most classifieds sites for trading amateur radio other used electronics prohibit use by commercial dealers, we welcome you!  All we ask is that you keep in mind that is a site for used, surplus, or obsolete electronics related items.

If you do also deal in new electronics, radios, tv, audio, etc, you are invited to put a link to your business website in your ad here on  You will add the link to your business website at the same time you are entering the description and price in your ad.

Additionally, you may wish to make up a graphic with your store information; credit card info, address, hours etc.  Simply upload this graphic as the last photo in your ad here on SecondHandRadio.

You may upload as many as 40 photographs for each item.  (How much would that huge auction site charge you for that?)

If you do not see an appropriate category for the items you wish to list, please just send an email to the webmaster with your suggestion or request.

To link to YOUR items here on our site, use a link like this:   but change the 'username' name to your username.  The easiest way to get this link is to go ahead and upload your first ad.  Then, look at the bottom of your ad for "posted by".  You will see your username, mouse over your username, then "right click (if you are right-handed) and select "copy shortcut".   Then put the shortcut in your emails, or put it on your website to show your visitors where to find your up-to-the-minute listings.

Read the site policies, then register and post your ad.