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Hotpoint Boudoir Iron, model K with stand and cord

For Sale: $42.00
Item details

Works great. Hotpoint boudoir iron has both stands; one is a place to put it so you dont burn anything. The other stand holds the iron upside down so you can heat your lunch . The power cord is in fantastic condition. The carrying bag seems to have been custom made for this or else it came with the iron I have no idea but it fits great. Anyway one of my friends so me using this and he has been calling me sissy-boy ever since. So I had to go buy some crappy communist chinese made iron from walmart to get him to shut up. I couldn't figure out what the stand was for until I saw Harpo Marx using one in a movie to heat his lunch.

Item # 392
Location: Florida
Category: Other
Posted by: racer184
Currently: For Sale

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