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RF Cafe - Extensive resource for RF engineers

Events: $0.00
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RF Cafe - RF Cafe is a unique portal for RF and microwave engineering resources. There you will find a vast collection of original content with definitions equations references and conversions that cover electrical mechanical physical chemical and mathematical fields. Many interactive calculators are available for everything from filters to voltage dividers. In addition you will find extensive links to other websites for vendor parts application notes test notes amateur radio information technical magazines and books patent and communications standards and much more.
What makes RF Cafe so attractive is the daily headlines the daily historical events list and even technology-themed crossword puzzles that you will find nowhere else. The Factoids are always an interesting read no matter what the subject always relevant and some of the Notable Quotes are hilarious. There is always a plethora of new material added and is highlighted in the Recent Additions list. Even occasional humor items are thrown in to add some levity to the workday.... This listing does not comply with our terms of service; but I am the webmaster and I visit everyday so I can get away with it.

Item # 2845
Location: Online
Category: All Other
Posted by: SecondHandRadio
Currently: Events