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Now you can post ads as "Wanted" - "For Sale" and "Events"

Occasionally we have visitors post notice of ham club meetings or hamfests. Visitors felt that these really should not be called "for sale" ads. So we have created a third ad type - Events.

Events could inlude swapmeets, hamfests, conventions, special events, even DXpeditions, I suppose. We suggest that to make it easier for people browsing the site that you put your event in the event category. Take a look at the list of categories on the home page. Under the "Events" category are sub categories. Look at a listing or two and you will get a good idea how you should enter your ad for your event.

If you desire to post a notice with type "Events" please be sure to select that type before writing your whole ad. Once you click 'done' the ad type cannot be changed by 'editing'.  To change an ad-type, go to 'my ads', find the ad, then unlist it.  Then go to 'my inactive ads' and 'relist' your ad.  At that time you will be able to change the ad-type.  I know this is cumbersome, it is on my to-do list of improvements.

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