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3-D images of electronic components.

These are known as "cross-eye 3D" photogaphs. To view these images in "3-D", cross your eyes so that your left eye is looking at the right side photograph, and your right eye is looking at the left photograph.

Most people describe seeing the 3-D image as a 3rd image between the two real images.  You might have to tilt your head slightly to ge the images to line up perfectly.

Having trouble viewing these images?  

  1. Relax

  2. Look at a point exactly in the middle of the two photographs, halfway up.

  3. Hold up one finger in front of your face so the top of your finger is almost even with the bottom of the photograph, perhaps a little above the bottom.

  4. Focus your eyes on the top of your finger.

  5. Now slowly move your finger closer to your computer screen while keeping your eyes locked on to the tip of your finger. 

  6. At some distance as you move your finger, you will notice that you are seeing a third image on the computer monitor. Let your eyes 'lock on' to that third image.  You should now see a 3-dimensional photograph and you can slowly lower your finger out of view.

I just created this page January 1, 2013.  I will be adding more images soon.

3D image of an 8 pin dual-inline-package (8-DIP)

3D photograph of an 8 pin DIP

3D image of 16 pin DIP

3D photograph of a 16 pin DIP

3D image of the flash unit of a 'one time use' film camera.  This flash ran on a single AA cell.  The xenon flash tube is visible to the left; the 'trigger coil' is the small green transformer just to the left of the red transformer.  The large electrolytic capacitor is rated 330 volt.

3D photograph of a camera flash unit

3D photograph of an Elecraft 2-tone generator for transmitter linearity testing.

3D photograph of Elecraft 2T-gen

3D crosseye photograph of a double-Pole Double-Throw Switch Toggle style

3D image of a DPDT toggle switch

Alligator Clip

3D image of an alligator clip

3D image of a toll-road transponder pcb.  The antenna is on the left.  The battery holder on the right, and the largest black item is the piezoelectric 'speaker'.  This old model also had three LEDs (far right) that indicated low account balance, mis-read, or toll paid.

3D image of a toll-road transponder pcb

3D image of a toll-road transponder pcb with magnifying glass. n Now we can read the name on one of the i.c. is the same as the name on the pcb;  Amtech.

3D image of a toll-road transponder pcb

3D image of a basketweave coil.   Basket-weave coils have less interwinding capacitance than 'standard' methdods of winding coils.  Therefore they have higher Q and a higher self-resonance frequency.

3D image of a basketweave coil

3D image of the same basketweave coil; closeup.

3D photograph

3D image of a J37 morse key.  I bought this key on a 'leg clamp', removed the key and threw away the leg clamp.

3D image of a J37 morse key.

Close-up 3D image of a J37 key.  Note that this key uses a 'leaf spring'.  It is the flat piece of metal just above the base.  The thumbscrew in the middle of the picture (with a locknut) will adjust "tension".   The thumbscrew in the back (left of picture) adjusts the 'throw" of the key.

3D photograph

3D image of J38 key (my favorite straight key).  I bought it new-in-the-box around 2002.  I cannot remember where I got it.  I was a licensed ham for 30 years before I found one for sale that I could afford.

3D image of J38 key (my favorite straight key).

Close-up 3D image of the J38 key.  Notice that this key has a "real" spring for tension.  Also, compared to the J37 key, the contacts are much smaller.

3D photograph - closeup of J37 key.

72 ohm BNC connector on RG-59 quad shield coaxial cable

3D image of a 72 ohm F connector


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