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prvious LG Agrees to Pay Maximum $1.825 Million next $2.96 Million FCC fine for illegal robocalls

Employers can be fined $36,500 per year for helping an employee.

Place this in the "only government could screw up this badly" file.

My websites only earn enough to pay for themselves, so of course, I have a real job.  I, like most people I know, work for a very small business.  In my case, it is a fairly new business, a growing business.  I just started there 4 years ago and I already have seniority over 60% of the staff.

This business tries to treat us all pretty well.  So in 2013 they started a plan to help us pay our health insurance premiums.  This summer, the federal government said this had to stop.

This is exactly what happened to my employer and my co-workers this summer.

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