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Hints to save money on shipping and reduce damage.

The cost of shipping is not only the money you pay to the shipper, but the cost of your time to pack the item and the cost of packing materials.

The United States Postal Service “flat rate box” might save you a lot of time and money. The first cost savings comes from the fact that the boxes are free, yes free, from the U.S. post office. That easily saves $1.50 or more for every shipment. And, with their 'if it fits, it ships for one low price' policy, this means we can use just about anything for packing material.

Traditionally we have always used styrofoam peanuts, bubble-wrap, or packing paper to pack items while adding as little weight as possible. But the 'flat-rate-box', you can use whatever is laying around without concern for weight. Use old magazines, clothing, towels, or even your old pillows. Not only will the item be better protected during shipping, but you have cleaned up your radio shack a bit in the process. See that stack of magazines on your work bench that you don't have room for, but you hate the thought of throwing them out? Use them for packing. Rather than just putting them in the box, roll them up first. By rolling them up you will reduce the number of magazines needed to do the job and give a bit more cushioning effect at the same time.

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